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InfoPath Would Not Submit a Form - Concatenate function yielded a title that was too long!

Had a user today who was experiencing issues submitting an InfoPath form.  The original set of error messages made me assume that SharePoint was not set as Local Intranet site (which it wasn't).  So I set SharePoint as the local intranet site,  updated the user's desktop icon shortcut (to use the https version of the site).  And thought, okay, problem solved.  Alas and alack, not so!

The user entered a form went to submit it and got a different set of error messages. (Unfortunately I didn't think to screenshot the errors and send them to myself so I don't have the exact wording for any of the errors.)  The basic message the second time was InfoPath cannot submit the form.  I've seen variations of this error before, so I started looking at Compatibility View, and Add-ons.  Well, I found the user had IE10 which we recommend our users NOT install as there are known compatibility issues with IE10 and SharePoint 2007 as well as some of our other internal systems.  So, I had IT roll her IE version back to IE9.

Again, I thought, okay, problem solved.

Alas, still not so!

This time the error message was one I had never seen.  Something along the lines of the administrator does not allow this form to be saved. To which I thought, okay, I'm the administrator so why am I not allowing this??

I kept looking at first one setting and another and then I got to noticing the name of the form.  The form names are created by concatenating several different fields in the form (user name, title of activity, and date in this case).  In this particular instance the Title of the Activity was about 20 words long (and most of the words were more than 4 - 10 letters).  Which made me wonder, could it be that the title is too long?  I know that there are limitations in Excel using the Concatenate function (255 characters I believe is the limit, but I could be wrong on that)....

What the user had was something that looked like this:  LastName_FirstName I Attended A Webinar On Using Mobile Multimedia and Something Else and Something Else in a Particular Field Class with something else and Something In something or other _today's_date. (NOTE: names have been changed to protect the innocent and the unassuming).  

Of course in InfoPath every space became %20, so you can imagine the nastiness of this name for the form.

Solution??  I had the user change the name of the activity to something much shorter.  And the form submitted without issue.

Another interesting dilemma in the world of SharePoint.  I advised the user in the future to keep names in this form short and simple.

Happy SharePointing all!


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